Day one: Thursday 28 September, 20239:00-9:50 Registration + Poster setup
9:50-10:00 Welcome session 10:00-11:15 Session 1 Invited speaker: Srinjan BASU (Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, UK) Towards a single molecule perspective of nuclear dynamics in the early mammalian embryo Short talk: Amy BRIFFA (Babraham Institute, UK) Is the variation of intragenic DNA methylation in Arabidopsis natural populations governed by genetic or epigenetic inheritance? Invited speaker: Anne-Florence BITBOL (EPFL, Switzerland) Optimization and historical contingency in protein sequences 11:15-11:45 Coffee Break 11:45-12:30 Session 2 Keynote speaker - Bragg Lecturer: Naama BARKAI (Weizmann Institute, Israel) How transcription factor locate their binding sites in large genomes: a role for intrinsically disordered regions 12:30-12:45 IOP Annual General Meeting (only IOP members) 12:45-14:00 Lunch and Poster session 14:00-15:45 Session 3 Invited speaker: Edwige MOYROUD (Sainsbury Lab - University of Cambridge, UK) Micro-patterns: understanding how flowers sculpt their surface Invited speaker: Robert ENDRES (Imperial College London, UK) 70 years later: revisiting Turing patterns with synthetic biology, mathematical modelling, and machine learning Short talk: Ferdinando INSALATA (Imperial College London, UK) Stochastic survival of the densest can solve the enigma of the expansion of mitochondrial mutations in the ageing of skeletal muscle fibres Invited speaker: Jonathan CHUBB (University College London, UK) Pattern formation by living droplets 15:45-16:15 Coffee break 16:15-17:00 Session 4 Short talk: Maria Cristina CANNARSA (University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy) Optogenetic control of a synthetic genetic clock in living cells Invited speaker: KC HUANG (Stanford University, USA) It’s getting hot in here 17:00 Drinks and Poster Session 19:30 Dinner and Conference Party |
Day Two: Friday 29 September, 20239:30-11:00 Session 5
Invited speaker: Kate MCDOLE (MRC-LMB, UK) How the embryo gets its shape: Understanding early mouse development with light-sheet microscopy Short talk: Guillermo SERRANO NAJERA (University of Cambridge, UK) How to turn a chick in to a frog? Generation of alternative gastrulation modes in the chick embryo reveals new evolutionary constraints Short talk: Francine KOLLEY (TU Dresden, Germany) How to build muscle? Invited speaker: Kirsty WAN (Exeter University, UK) From sea cells to sea shells (sometimes on the seashore) 11:00-11:30 Coffee Break 11:30-12:45 Session 6 Invited speaker: Sujit DATTA (Princeton University, USA) Sticking together: How bacterial collectives use chemical cues to (re)shape themselves Short talk: Remy COLIN (MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology, Germany) Active density fluctuations in bacterial binary mixtures Invited speaker: Greg STEPHENS (Vrije University, Netherlands) Plenty of room at the top: integrative insights from the posture-scale dynamics of animal behavior 12:45-14:00 Lunch and Poster session 14:00-15:30 Session 7 Invited speaker: Morgan DELARUE (LAAS-CNRS, France) Cell growth under mechanical pressure Short talk: Jamie WHEELER (Sheffield University, UK) Gradient sensing in surface-attached bacteria Short talk: Margarita STAYKOVA (Durham University, UK) Patterning and dynamics of membrane adhesion under hydraulic stress Invited speaker: Jacqui TABLER (MPI-CBG, Germany) Collagen organisation regulates context-dependent cellular dynamics of mesenchymal collectives in vivo 15:30-16:00 Coffee Break 16:00-17:00 Session 8 Invited speaker: Bruno MARTINS (University of Warwick, UK) Round the clock: circadian gene expression, growth and division in cyanobacteria Invited speaker: Rita MATEUS (MPI-CBG / PoL TUD, Germany) Growth control across scales 17:00-17:10 Prizes & closing remarks |