Day one: Thursday 29 September, 20228:30-9:25 Registration + Poster setup
9:25-9:30 Welcome session 9:30-11:00 Session 1 Invited speaker: Ilya Levental (University of Virginia USA) Coupling of protein condensates to ordered lipid domains determines functional membrane organization Short talk: Neus Sanfeliu-Cerdán (ICFO Spain) A viscoelastic maturation of MEC-2/Stomatin condensates underlies transport and mechanotransduction Short talk: Felix J. Meigel (MPI-PCS Germany) Single particle kinetics describe organelle signalling pathway dynamics Invited speaker: Liam Holt (New York University USA) Phase transitions control, and are controlled by, the biophysical properties of the cell interior 11:00-11:40 Coffee Break 11:40-12:25 Bragg Lecturer Tony Hyman (MPI-CBG Germany) 12:25-14:00 Lunch and Poster session 14:10-15:55 Session 2 Invited speaker: Albert Cardona (MRC-LMB UK) The mind of a maggot Invited speaker: Clare Buckley (University of Cambridge UK) Building and Breaking the Neural Tube Short talk: Veronica Biga (University of Manchester UK) Multiscale, dynamic and spatially-periodic coordination of gene expression in spinal cord progenitor cells Invited speaker: Pavan Ramdya (EPFL Switzerland) Reverse-engineering Drosophila action selection and limb movement control 15:55-16:30 Coffee break 16:30-17:45 Session 3 Invited speaker: Rashmi Priya (Francis Crick Institute UK) Sculpting the Heart – multiscale interactions between Form, Forces, Fate and Function Short talk: Qiyan Mao (Aix Marseille University France) Tension-driven multi-scale self-organisation in human iPSC-derived muscle fibers Invited speaker: Julien Vermot (Imperial College London UK) Biomechanics and mechanotransduction during cardiac morphogenesis 17:45 Drinks and Poster Session 19:00 Dinner and Conference Party |
Day Two: 30 September, 2022
9:30-11:00 Session 4
Invited speaker: Nikta Fakhri (MIT USA) TBC Short talk Matthew Turner (University of Warwick UK) Deconstructing collective motion Short talk Tzer Han Tan (MPI-MCG Germany) Emergent chirality in active solid rotation of pancreas sphere Invited speaker: Anna Erzberger (EMBL Germany) Surface mechanics and interface effects in the mouse embryo 11-11:30 Coffee Break 11:30-12:45 Session 5 Invited speaker: Laura Machesky (University of Glasgow UK) Eating and walking - how cells sense and meet their energy demands Short talk Leone Rossetti (Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia Spain)Collective migration of cells in minimal leader-follower systems under optogenetic control Invited speaker: Elias Barriga (IGC Portugal) Collective cell motion during tissue morphogenesis 12:45-14:00 Lunch and Poster session 14:00-15:30 Session 6 Invited speaker: Edouard HANNEZO (IST Austria) Interplay between stem cell fate, tissue geometry and cell mechanics Short talk: Adrien Hallou (University of Cambridge UK) Spatial mechano-transcriptomics of the early mouse embryo Short talk Shannon Taylor (University of Oxford UK) ‘Live modelling’ to understand zebrafish axial elongation Invited speaker: Timothy Saunders (University of Warwick UK) Experimental and theoretical approaches to understanding cell shape changes during tissue morphogenesis 15:30-16:00 Coffee Break 16:00-17:10 Session 7 Invited speaker: Kate Miroshnikova (NIH USA) Nuclear deformation modulates stem cell fate by altering chromatin accessibility and gene expression Invited speaker: Maria Alcolea (Cambridge Stem Cell Insitute UK) Epithelial cell fate plasticity; an oesophageal tale 17:00-17:10 Prizes & closing remarks |