Physics of Living Matter Symposium 17th Edition
28-29 September 2023, Cambridge (UK)
Venue: DAMTP Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA
Venue: DAMTP Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA
This year we will present a diverse set of biological problems that are tackled through the lens of the physical sciences and in addition to an exciting programme presented by renowned international speakers, oral presentations will be selected from the submitted abstracts.
The PLM series started 17 years ago from an interest to promote the interface between the Life and Physical Sciences in Cambridge. Over the years, PLM has grown from a local meeting to a popular international event that attracts interdisciplinary scientists from all around the world. |
Invited Speakers
Naama Barkai (Weizmann Institute, Israel) – Bragg Lecture
"How transcription factor locate their binding sites in large genomes: a role for intrinsically disordered regions"
Anne-Florence BITBOL (EPFL, Switzerland)
"Optimization and historical contingency in protein sequences"
Srinjan BASU (Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, UK)
"Towards a single molecule perspective of nuclear dynamics in the early mammalian embryo"
Jonathan CHUBB (University College London, UK)
"Pattern formation by living droplets"
Sujit DATTA (Princeton University, USA)
"Sticking together: How bacterial collectives use chemical cues to (re)shape themselves"
Morgan DELARUE (LAAS-CNRS, France)
"Cell growth under mechanical pressure"
Robert ENDRES (Imperial College London, UK)
"70 years later: revisiting Turing patterns with synthetic biology, mathematical modelling, and machine learning"
KC HUANG (Stanford University, USA)
"It’s getting hot in here"
Bruno MARTINS (University of Warwick, UK)
"Round the clock: circadian gene expression, growth and division in cyanobacteria"
Rita MATEUS (MPI-CBG / PoL TUD, Germany)
"Growth control across scales"
"How the embryo gets its shape: Understanding early mouse development with light-sheet microscopy"
Edwige MOYROUD (Sainsbury Lab - University of Cambridge, UK)
"Micro-patterns: understanding how flowers sculpt their surface"
Greg STEPHENS (Vrije University, Netherlands)
"Plenty of room at the top: integrative insights from the posture-scale dynamics of animal behavior"
Peter SWAIN (University of Edinburgh, UK) - Cancelled -
"The ups and downs of glucose transport in budding yeast"
Jacqui TABLER (MPI-CBG, Germany)
"Collagen organisation regulates context-dependent cellular dynamics of mesenchymal collectives in vivo"
Kirsty WAN (Exeter University, UK)
"From sea cells to sea shells (sometimes on the seashore)"
Invited Speakers
Naama Barkai (Weizmann Institute, Israel) – Bragg Lecture
"How transcription factor locate their binding sites in large genomes: a role for intrinsically disordered regions"
Anne-Florence BITBOL (EPFL, Switzerland)
"Optimization and historical contingency in protein sequences"
Srinjan BASU (Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, UK)
"Towards a single molecule perspective of nuclear dynamics in the early mammalian embryo"
Jonathan CHUBB (University College London, UK)
"Pattern formation by living droplets"
Sujit DATTA (Princeton University, USA)
"Sticking together: How bacterial collectives use chemical cues to (re)shape themselves"
Morgan DELARUE (LAAS-CNRS, France)
"Cell growth under mechanical pressure"
Robert ENDRES (Imperial College London, UK)
"70 years later: revisiting Turing patterns with synthetic biology, mathematical modelling, and machine learning"
KC HUANG (Stanford University, USA)
"It’s getting hot in here"
Bruno MARTINS (University of Warwick, UK)
"Round the clock: circadian gene expression, growth and division in cyanobacteria"
Rita MATEUS (MPI-CBG / PoL TUD, Germany)
"Growth control across scales"
"How the embryo gets its shape: Understanding early mouse development with light-sheet microscopy"
Edwige MOYROUD (Sainsbury Lab - University of Cambridge, UK)
"Micro-patterns: understanding how flowers sculpt their surface"
Greg STEPHENS (Vrije University, Netherlands)
"Plenty of room at the top: integrative insights from the posture-scale dynamics of animal behavior"
Peter SWAIN (University of Edinburgh, UK) - Cancelled -
"The ups and downs of glucose transport in budding yeast"
Jacqui TABLER (MPI-CBG, Germany)
"Collagen organisation regulates context-dependent cellular dynamics of mesenchymal collectives in vivo"
Kirsty WAN (Exeter University, UK)
"From sea cells to sea shells (sometimes on the seashore)"

Diana FUSCO (Department of Physics, University of Cambridge, UK)
James LOCKE (Sainsbury Lab, University of Cambridge, UK)
Ben STEVENTON (Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, UK)
Key dates and Registration fees:
Abstract submission deadlines:
- for talks: 30 June (closed)
- for posters: closed on 17 August (maximum number of posters has been reached)
Early bird registration deadline 1 August
- Students: £80 / Academic: £120 / Corporate: £200
Standard registration deadline 10 September (closed now)
- Students: £100 / Academic: £170 / Corporate: £270
*Registration fee covers access to all talks, coffee breaks, lunches, and a conference party on the 28th September.
Contact: Maria Bargués-Ribera at [email protected] should you have any queries.
Diana FUSCO (Department of Physics, University of Cambridge, UK)
James LOCKE (Sainsbury Lab, University of Cambridge, UK)
Ben STEVENTON (Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, UK)
Key dates and Registration fees:
Abstract submission deadlines:
- for talks: 30 June (closed)
- for posters: closed on 17 August (maximum number of posters has been reached)
Early bird registration deadline 1 August
- Students: £80 / Academic: £120 / Corporate: £200
Standard registration deadline 10 September (closed now)
- Students: £100 / Academic: £170 / Corporate: £270
*Registration fee covers access to all talks, coffee breaks, lunches, and a conference party on the 28th September.
Contact: Maria Bargués-Ribera at [email protected] should you have any queries.